Truck Rollover Into River on the West Side
July 29, 2023

At 12:45 this afternoon, Millwood FD was dispatched with Ossining VAC to a reported motor vehicle accident with a vehicle in the river on Glendale Road. Car 2251 (Chief Rodrigues) arrived first on scene and reported a truck had gone off the roadway, struck a utility pole, and rolled onto its side in the river below with the driver out of the vehicle. Upon the arrival of additional apparatus, gasoline and other fluids from equipment onboard the overturned truck were found to be leaking into the river. Members quickly placed 2 booms downstream to absorb the fluids to prevent them traveling further and removed fuel containers and tools from the truck to prevent more leaks. The driver was evaluated by Ossining VAC and Stiloski's Towing was on scene to recover the truck from the river. Units were on scene for about 2 hours before returning to service.

Units: Car 2251, Car 2253, Engine 247, Engine 248, Rescue 36
Mutual Aid: Ossining VAC, New Castle PD, Stiloski's Towing